Enjoy these guided tours and outdoor adventures in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico

Santa Fe has such a long and fascinating history, and there’s so much to see and do, that getting acquainted with our ancient town can be a little daunting. Guided tours are an excellent way to learn the basics and decide which sites and activities to pursue in depth.
Guided out-of-town excursions also can help maximize your experience of the remote cultural sites and natural wonders of Northern New Mexico.
The list below includes only local tour operators and guides who have deep knowledge of the region. Tours of cultural sites include downtown Santa Fe as well as visits to historic Spanish settlements, active Indian Pueblos, and pre-historic Pueblo ruins.
Northern New Mexico also is a vast and beautiful outdoor playground with activities that range from rafting the Rio Grande to llama pack trips in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Many tour operators will customize the trip just for you, ensuring many lasting memories of your visit to Santa Fe.

List of Tours by Category
Canyon Road Gallery Tours
- Historic Walks of Santa Fe, 505.986.8388, www.historicwalksofsantafe.com
- Seven Directions, 877.992.6128, www.sevendirections.net
- Stefanie Beninato, 505.988.8022, www.swguides.com
- Walking Tours of Downtown Santa Fe
- Fiesta Tours, 505.204.9704
- Historic Walks of Santa Fe, 505.986.8388, www.historicwalksofsantafe.com
- New Mexico History Museum / Palace of the Governors, 505.476.1141, media.museumofnewmexico.org
- Pathways Customized Tours, 505.982.5382, www.santafepathways.com
- Santa Fe Detours, 505.983.6565, www.sfdetours.com
- Santa Fe Mad Hatters, 505.466.2091
- Santa Fe Mountain Adventures, 505.988.4000, www.sfmadv.com
- Stefanie Beninato, 505.988.8022, www.swguides.com
- Travel Heart, 505.989.1919, www.travelheart.net
Tram Tours of Santa Fe
- Custom Tours by Clarice, 505.438.7116, www.santafecustomtours.com
- Loretto Line, 505.983.3701, www.toursofsantafe.com
- Santa Fe Detours, 505.983.6565, www.sfdetours.com
- Segway NM, www.segwaynm.com
Artist Studio Tours
- Custom Tours by Clarice, 505.438.7116, www.santafecustomtours.com
- Emily’s Artists Studio Tour, 505.984.8687, www.emilysarttour.com
- Seven Directions, 877.992.6128, www.sevendirections.net
- Studio Passport, 505.204.6034, www.studiopassport.com
- Santa Fe Specialty Tours (Food, Shopping, Ghosts, etc.)
- Historic Walks of Santa Fe, 505.986.8388, www.historicwalksofsantafe.com
- Seven Directions, 877.992.6128, www.sevendirections.net
- Stefanie Beninato, 505.988.8022, www.swguides.com
- Cultural Sightseeing Tours in Northern New Mexico
- Custom Tours by Clarice, 505.438.7116, www.santafecustomtours.com
- Great Southwest Adventures, 505.455.2700, www.swadventures.com
- Historic Walks of Santa Fe, 505.986.8388, www.historicwalksofsantafe.com
- Pathways Customized Tours, 505.982.5382, www.santafepathways.com
- Santa Fe Detours, 505.983.6565, www.sfdetours.com
- Santa Fe Guiding Co., 505.466.7964, www.santafeguidingco.com
- Santa Fe Mountain Adventures, 505.988.4000, www.sfmadv.com
- Santa Fe Walkabouts, 505.216.9161, www.santafewalkabouts.com
- Seven Directions, 877.992.6128, www.sevendirections.net
- Stefanie Beninato, 505.988.8022, www.swguides.com
- Travel Heart, 505.989.1919, www.travelheart.net
Air Tours
- Southwest Safaris, 505.988.4246, www.southwestsafaris.com
- Photography Tours
- Outspire, 505.660.0394, www.outspire.com
- Patricia Leigh Photography, www.patricialeigh.com
- Santa Fe Guiding Co., 505.466.7964, www.santafeguidingco.com
- Seven Directions, 877.992.6128, www.sevendirections.net
- Guided Hiking
- Kokopelli Rafting Adventures, 505.983.3734, www.kokopelliraft.com
- Outspire, 505.660.0394, www.outspire.com
- Santa Fe Detours, 505.983.6565, www.sfdetours.com
- Santa Fe Guiding Co., 505.466.7964, www.santafeguidingco.com
- Santa Fe Hiking Guide, 505.917.6280, www.santafehikingguide.com
- Santa Fe Mountain Adventures, 505.988.4000, www.sfmadv.com
- Santa Fe Walkabouts, 505.216.9161, www.santafewalkabouts.com

Guided Mountain Biking
- Known World Guides, 800.983.7756, www.knownworldguides.com
- Kokopelli Rafting Adventures, 505.983.3734, www.kokopelliraft.com
- Mellow Velo, 505.995.8356, www.mellowvelo.com
- Santa Fe Detours, 505.983.6565, www.sfdetours.com
- Santa Fe Mountain Adventures, 505.988.4000, www.sfmadv.com
- Santa Fe Walkabouts, 505.216.9161, www.santafewalkabouts.com

Guided Rafting
- Known World Guides, 800.983.7756, www.knownworldguides.com
- Kokopelli Rafting Adventures, 505.983.3734, www.kokopelliraft.com
- Los Rios River Runners, 575.776.8854, www.losriosriverrunners.com
- New Wave Rafting, 800.984.144, www.newwaverafting.com
- Santa Fe Rafting, 505.988.4914, www.santaferafting.com

Horseback Tours and Trail Rides
- Bishop’s Lodge Resort and Spa, 505.983.6377, www.bishopslodge.com
- Broken Saddle Riding Company, 505.424.7774, www.brokensaddle.com
- Santa Fe Stables, 505.231.7113, www.santafestables.com
- Santa Fe Western Adventures, 505.473.9384, www.santafewest.com
- Wild Vista Adventures, 505.474.3452, www.wildvistasadventures.com
Birding and Wildlife Viewing
- Santa Fe Guiding Co., 505.466.7964, www.santafeguidingco.com
- Wings West Birding, www.wingswestnm.com
Guided Fly Fishing
- High Desert Angler, 505.988.7688, www.highdesertangler.com
- Santa Fe Guiding Co., 505.466.7964, www.santafeguidingco.com
- The Reel Life, 505.995.8114, www.thereellife.com
- Geocaching Challenge, 505.955.6200, info@sfmadv.com
supported by www.santafe.org and www.santafemountainadventures.com - Outspire, 505.660.0394, www.outspire.com

I Saddle My Own Horse,
bronze edition of 50, 34″ x 20″ x 14.5″
List of Tours by Company
Bishop’s Lodge Resort and Spa, 505.983.6377, www.bishopslodge.com
- Horseback trail rides
Broken Saddle Riding Company, 505.424.7774, info@brokensaddle.com, www.brokensaddle.com
- Horseback trail rides
Custom Tours By Clarice, 505.438.7116, clarice1@santafe-newmexico.com, www.santafecustomtours.com
- Open-Air tram tours of Santa Fe’s Historic District
- Tours to Taos, Pecos and Bandelier National Monument
- Artist studios
- Mountain touring in Santa Fe in the fall
Emily’s Artists Studio Tour, 505.984.8687, emily@emilysarttour.com
- Custom tours to artist studios
Fiesta Tours, Northwest corner of the Historic Plaza, 505.204.9704
- Historical and sightseeing tours
Great Southwest Adventures, 505.455.2700, swadventures@hotmail.com, www.swadventures.com
- Bandelier National Monument
- Abiquiu and the Georgia O’Keeffe Country
- Taos New Mexico sampler
- Tent Rocks National Monument
- Chaco National Historic Park

High Desert Angler, 505.988.7688 or 888.988.7688
hda@highdesertangler.com, www.highdesertangler.com
- Fly fishing
Historic Walks of Santa Fe, 505.986.8388
historicwalksofsf@earthlink.net, www.historicwalksofsantafe.com
- Prestige shopping tour
- Ghostwalker
- Canyon Road
- Art galleries
- Historic/Cultural tours
- Taos
- Chimayo
- Bandelier
Known World Guides, 800.983.7756, www.knownworldguides.com
- River rafting tours
- Mountain biking
Kokopelli Rafting Adventures, 505.983.3734, 800.879.9035
kokopelli@santafeadventure.com, www.kokopelliraft.com
- Rafting
- Hiking
- Mountain biking

Loretto Line, 505.983.3701, contactus@toursofsantafe.com
- Historical and sightseeing tours
Los Rios River Runners, 575.776.8854, whitewater@newmex.com
- River rafting tours
Mellow Velo, 505.995.8356, www.mellowvelo.com
- Mountain bike tours
New Mexico History Museum / Palace of the Governors, 505.476.1141, media.museumofnewmexico.org
- Historial and cultural tours
New Wave Rafting, 800.984.1444, sales@newwaverafting.com
- River rafting tours
Outspire, 505.660.0394, www.outspire.com
- Hiking
- Geocaching
- Photography

acrylic on canvas 30″ x 40″
Pathways Customized Tours, 505.982.5382, don@santafepathways.com, www.santafepathways.com
- Cliff dwellings and Indian Pueblos
- Taos adventure
- Georgia O’Keeffe country
- Santa Fe tour
Patricia Leigh Photography, patricia@patricialeigh.com
- Photography tours
Ride the Dream, 505.603.2547, www.ridethedream.com
- Motorcycle tours
Santa Fe Detours, 505.983.6565, sfd@sfdetours.com, www.sfdetours.com
- The Walking Tour of Santa Fe
- City tours (van)
- Taos
- Bandelier
- Puye
- Hiking, biking and private guides

Santa Fe Guiding Co., 505.466.7964, bob@santafeguidingco.com
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Hiking
- Skiing
- Sightseeing (cultural)
- Photography
- Birding
- Wildlife
Santa Fe Hiking Guide, 505.917.6280, doug@santafehikingguide.com
- Day hikes
Santa Fe Mad Hatters, 505.466.2091, 505.795.3009
- Group walking tours
- Holiday shopping tours in December
Santa Fe Mountain Adventures, 505.988.4000, www.sfmadv.com
- Geocoaching Challenge
- Hiking
- Mountain biking
- Walking tours
- Culture
Santa Fe Rafting, 505.988.4914, info@santaferafting.com
- River rafting tours

Santa Fe Stables, 505.231.7113, www.santafestables.com
- Horseback trail rides
Santa Fe Walkabouts, 505.216.9161, info@santafewalkabouts.com
- Hiking
- Mountain biking
- Cultural sightseeing
Santa Fe Western Adventures, 505.473.9384, sfwa@santafewest.com
- Horseback trail rides
Segway NM, www.segwaynm.com
- Santa Fe tour
Seven Directions, 877.992.6128, info@sevendirections.net
- Cultural
- Astronomy
- Artist Studios
- Canyon Road
- Photography
- Shopping
Southwest Safaris, 505.988.4246, swsafaris@qwest.net
- Air tours

Stefanie Beninato, 505.988.8022, info@swguides.com, www.swguides.com
- Bread and Chocolate: An Artisanal Epicurean Delight! New!
- Women in NM History: A Different Downtown Tour
- Jewish Legacy and Overview Tour: New combo tour!
- A History Different: A Look at the Jewish Legacy in New Mexico
- Artists and Acequias: A Cultural and Artistic Tour of Canyon Rd and the Eastside
- Bars and Brothels in Santa Fe: A Red Light Tour
- A Spirits Different Tour: New combo tour
- The Dark Side of Santa Fe: Ghosts, Mysteries and Legends
- Garden Tour: Past and Present
- An Outpost of Civilization: Pecos National Monument
- O’Keeffe Country and Beyond
- Wine Country: North or South
- A Real Indian Detour: Gallup and More
- Other tours, such as Bandelier National Monument, the Jemez, and Salinas National Monument, and Chimayo are available as well as custom tours.
Studio Passport, 505.204.6034, james@studiopassport.com
- Artist studios
The Reel Life, 505.995.8114, www.thereellife.com
- Fly fishing
Travel Heart, 505.989.1919, www.travelheart.net
- Santa Fe walking
- Culture
Wings West Birding, www.wingswestnm.com
- Birding
Wild Vista Adventures, 505.474.3452, wildvistasadventures@gmail.com
- Horseback